Self Hosted Roundup #7

Self Hosted Roundup #7

📅 [ Archival Date ]
Jun 9, 2022 4:53 PM
🏷️ [ Tags ]

Happy Friday and welcome back to another Self Hosted Roundup! I've joined Mastodon which is now my official social media outlet of choice. If you're on the Mastodon platform, give me a follow over there! You can join the Noted Discord server for instant notifications when posts go live on the site!

This weeks Self Hosted Roundup is sponsored by PikaPods! Instant Open Source App Hosting! Noted has teamed up with PikaPods to give away $100 PikaPods credit to a random newsletter subscriber. If you are already subscribed, you are automatically entered. More details at the end of the article 👇

Dashy now supports system monitoring widgets! Check this out!


u/kjames2001 / r/selfhosted

Netdata announces new changes including a new "Anomaly Advisor" tab.


Stump, is another new comic reading server in the making. Very early stages but looks really nice!


The developer of Stump states:

I love Komga and use it at home, and I thought it would be cool to learn what goes into making something like this myself. I opted to develop this in Rust to hopefully, at the end of all this, create something just as if not almost as convenient but with a smaller footprint.

I also just want an excuse to practice Rust!



Servas is a self-hosted bookmark management tool. Servas is based on Laravel and Inertia.js and uses Tailwind CSS and Svelte for the front-end.


  • Tags: Organize your bookmarks with tags.
  • Groups: Group your bookmarks. Groups can be nested.
  • Later list: Add bookmarks to the "later list" to access them later.
  • Chrome browser extension: Add sites to Servas right from your browser.
  • Multiple users: You can create multiple user accounts.
  • Responsive design: Servas looks good on all your devices.
  • Two Factor Authentication available.


Cryptgeon is a secure, open source note / file sharing service inspired by PrivNote written in rust & svelte.


Check out the demo and see for yourself


  • server cannot decrypt contents due to client side encryption
  • view or time constraints
  • in memory, no persistence
  • obligatory dark mode support

Changedetection is a Self-Hosted, Open Source, Change Monitoring of Web Pages. Know when web pages change! Stay on top of new information! Live your data-life pro-actively instead of re-actively. Free, Open-source web page monitoring, notification and change detection.

Example use cases

  • Products and services have a change in pricing
  • Governmental department updates (changes are often only on their websites)
  • New software releases, security advisories when you're not on their mailing list.
  • Festivals with changes
  • Real estate listing changes
  • COVID related news from government websites
  • University/organization news from their website
  • Detect and monitor changes in JSON API responses
  • JSON API monitoring and alerting
  • Changes in legal and other documents
  • Trigger API calls via notifications when text appears on a website
  • Glue together APIs using the JSON filter and JSON notifications
  • Create RSS feeds based on changes in web content
  • Monitor HTML source code for unexpected changes, strengthen your PCI compliance
  • You have a very sensitive list of URLs to watch and you do not want to use the paid alternatives. (Remember, you are the product)

Payload - Now Opensource!


Payload is a CMS that has been designed for developers from the ground up to deliver them what they need to build great digital products. If you know JavaScript, you know Payload. It's a code-first CMS, which allows us to do a lot of things right:

  • Payload gives you everything you need, but then steps back and lets you build what you want in JavaScript or TypeScript - with no unnecessary complexity brought by GUIs. You'll understand how your CMS works, because you will have written it exactly how you want it.
  • Bring your own Express server and do whatever you need on top of Payload. Payload doesn't impose anything on you or your app.
  • Completely control the Admin panel by using your own React components. Swap out fields or even entire views with ease.
  • Use your data however and wherever you need thanks to auto-generated, yet fully extensible REST, GraphQL and Local Node APIs.

Self Hosted App Starter

Self Hosted App Starter is a starter for the self-hosted app to help you build your next full-stack project.


SHA is built on top of GSVT Stack, which stands for Go、SQLite、Vue 3、TailwindCSS
  • 🪄 Full-stack starter with GSVT Stack
  • ⚓️ Self-hosted with Dockerfile on the fly
  • 💾 Store your data using the SQLite database
  • 🖖 Choosing your familiar Front-end Tech Stack, default is Vue 3
  • 🚄 Deploy your app easily on the Railway

The giveaway method may change in the near future but right now, it's the only way I can be sure that a reader of Noted has a chance to win as I don't have any other ways that link Noted readers to a form of contact when a winner is chosen. The comments below do NOT log emails or other info for example. As stated, one person from the Noted email subscription list will be randomly selected then notified via the email address that is chosen. Good luck!

If you are new to Self Hosting and would like to learn more about it, I found this wonderful Self Hosting Guide Github repo with a plethera of resources to get you started!